The Party Wall Act provides a legal framework for preventing disputes and resolving building and boundary problems between neighbours. This includes new builds, extensions, conversions and building repairs as well as boundary walls and excavations.

These can all affect neighbouring properties. Every adjoining owner or neighbouring property has rights or responsibilities under the Party Wall Act.

In a typical domestic scenario, this is usually limited to one other party.

In larger commercial developments and in built up areas like Torrington, the Party Wall Act can affect multiple adjoining owners at the same time.

A large development may affect many users.

Work on a flat may affect the neighbours above you, below you and on two sides.

Party Wall

If you’re interested in a building or property service in or around Torrington, or elsewhere in Devon, then please contact us as it is likely we will be able to help.

For a property requirement outside Devon, please contact where an appropriate colleague will be able to help you.


Receive advice from local Chartered Surveyors covering Torrington and the surrounding area.

Your local surveyors are Lee Gallon MRICS and Liam Bunclark MRICS

We can help you as our services cover Torrington and the surrounding Devon area. Our emphasis is on helping clients with both residential survey and commercial property issues.

Please telephone the team to discuss your building survey or property requirements.

Telephone: 01237 476 625

Freephone: 0800 880 6264


Opening Hours: Our enquiry desk is open from 09.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday. We are closed Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.